
RickyDaytonaJr t1_je7kl6r wrote

I’ve made about 3 quarts and counting…and use the exact same glass bottles. I have two taps in one big tree and it gives me all the sap I can possibly handle without an actual evaporator. I use a turkey fryer in my garage. My syrup is very light early in the year and gets darker over the course of the season. I live at 1900 feet elevation, so mine finishes at around 216. It’s a fun hobby.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_jax5y8q wrote

Your safety utopia will become a reality when CAVs become ubiquitous and humans are taken out of the equation. I’m not an engineer, but it seems like the Chuck Marohns of the world have convinced bike/ped advocates that engineers are inept, hate bike/ped infrastructure, and can prevent bad driver behavior by uniformly implementing a certain set of design guidelines (like NACTO). The reality is that there are about 5-6 communities in NH where those sort of design guidelines make any sense whatsoever. The rest of the State is rural and sparsely populated, and will always be automobile oriented.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_javwtkh wrote

Engineers could design every road in New Hampshire like a bumper car track and there would still be lots of crashes. Next time you are out and about, take a look at how many drivers are looking at the phone in their lap rather than the road, or how many drivers cross the centerline, or how many drivers tailgate at unsafe distances, or how many drivers cut people off at turns, or how many drivers are traveling at excessive speeds, or how many drivers don’t understand the right-of-way rules at stop signs, or how many drivers speed up to go through the yellow light at an intersection. You’d need to find one hell of a team of engineers to develop designs that preemptively avoid all of that behavior.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_ja0bhur wrote

If you drive prudently for the conditions, you’ll be fine. A few tips: 1) Heading northbound, there is a long downhill section between Exit 11 and Exit 12. Cops are always waiting at the bottom to bust northbound drivers coming down that hill. 2) Heading northbound, there is a steep downhill section into a curve immediately after the Springfield Rest Area. Be very careful in this section in the winter. 3) Heading southbound, there is a steep climb to Exit 16. This section is prone to icing winter conditions. Don’t follow any trucks in this section in the winter, because they often can’t make the climb and they don’t realize it until it’s too late.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_ja08qgn wrote

The stretch from Exit 10 in Sutton to the Springfield Rest Area is a microclimate. It snows there when it’s not snowing anywhere else. The section in the Enfield notch (Exit 15-16) can also be tricky. The section from Exit 9 in Warner to Concord is usually fine in the winter.


RickyDaytonaJr t1_j9wkgv7 wrote

IMO, preschool should involve lots of group activities and dramatic play to encourage creativity and build social skills. Every child is different though, and it’s OK for kids to explore their own interests too. On some days at preschool, my daughter would be “running an ice cream shop” with other kids during dramatic play. On other days, she’d spend time by herself completely focused on doing puzzles.

Good luck to you and your son (whether in preschool or kindergarten this year)!


RickyDaytonaJr t1_j9wh1gc wrote

My daughter missed by three weeks last year. I inquired about the cutoff date with the school district just out of curiosity and didn’t get any sense that it was negotiable. The extra year of daycare was expensive, and she was bored as hell (being the oldest kid in pre-school when all of your friends are going to kindergarten sucks). But, it wasn’t all bad. In the end, she was much more ready for kindergarten.