
Riegel_Haribo t1_ixztz2q wrote

Because James Webb Space Telescope observes infrared light, here, a very deep mid-infrared, it is impossible to tell the actual color they would appear. For those appearing quite red, it is likely objects (not planets) are invisible to visible light or even Hubble.

If the image was composed maintaining spectral accuracy and calibration of the different wavelengths assembled to make color, blue would imply that there is more shortwave light flux (the end closer to visible light) than seen in longer wavelengths..

The red giant Betelgeuse, for example, emits most of its light in visible red, not down into deep infrared, so it appears blue in a transposed spectrum.

Very distant galaxies might even appear purple (blue + red) or green, from addition of searing ultraviolet brightness and the dust swirling around young stars, shifted into infrared by the expansion of the universe.


Riegel_Haribo t1_iwfl47l wrote

Reply to comment by alx924 in How an engine works. by ooMEAToo

2014+ Ford 1.0L ecoboost also is a three-cylinder engine with direct-acting bucket camshaft. It, however, is dual-overhead-cam, and quite unusual in having a oiled timing belt, oil-powered variable valve timing, belt-driven oil pump, and over 200% the power output of a Geo.

Here's a video with multiple angles of internal engine operation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFj5UIZx2cE


Riegel_Haribo t1_ivl75bw wrote

Whereas in America, you can steal 50000 Bitcoin in 2012 (from a guy now in prison for life for subverting big pharma), and then the feds bust you with headlines claiming you stole billions ("we wanted to steal that money!").


Riegel_Haribo t1_iu01arj wrote

Same problem, in a thread with another problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/iPadPro/comments/v3fjpy/comment/iaydaek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Might be able to hit the areas with a hair dryer or heat gun until they are pliable, and re-shape them. With enough heat, they might shrinky-dink on their own (block the speaker ports with tape or foil).


Riegel_Haribo t1_itznwmr wrote

It means that the article writer is a hype man for an auction house stretching the truth.

These are prints, but consider that for photographic prints to be made, one has to take the film negative that went to the moon, load it into a darkroom enlarger, and print on photo paper. Nothing is said about the provenance of the reproduction, which could be from a contact copy of the film, or copy of prints for public dissemination by the thousands (while not using bulk printing and screening technology).


Riegel_Haribo t1_ittp430 wrote

The links are m3u or pls files for direct streaming to Winamp or other players. I just found that the latest Firefox was trying to save them. You have to save one, then in the Firefox download list, right click, and select "always open similar files". Then your associated player like VLC will open the stream link.

One can also review "application" in browser settings to see how file extensions are handled, and set the associated application.

Some are indeed no longer working, often because the site has gone to some non-stream-rippable in-browser player or app, perhaps for those with phones etc that are confused by advanced technology of the past, or so that they can serve up ads and tracking.