
Rizingfire t1_ixemwvl wrote

Ya, it's sad...booze is fine tho, who needs a liver anyway? Even my hard-core Conservative friends have come over to the pot side so we gotta just stay on Sununu. Remind him of his 'let's see how MA does' comment & how well it did.


Rizingfire t1_ixemjle wrote

Agreed, Maine has some crazy good bud...and there is so much everywhere that oversupply leads to cheaper prices...I've got land there so I've been meaning to get my med card up there ...just have had some stuff get in the way last time I was up there. I've got a bunch of trees I bought to reforest a logged property so I plan to be up there in the spring...a friend gave me a bag of treats last time I went up there...


Rizingfire t1_ixelure wrote

Sununu originally said he wanted to see how Mass did with Rec use & from what I have seen, the new roads & bridges & fully funded projects look like positive outcomes for such a crappy state...if MA can do it no reason we cant...since we all just go there anyway it's stupid to not have it here, it's as if we already have it anyway...


Rizingfire t1_ixd40pi wrote

If a libertarian id suggest going more South & find a red state where you can enjoy freedom without always being on the verge of losing it.

Besides our Governor, we just re-elected some of the worst anti-freedom pieces of garbage to represent our state in the House & Senate...they just spend millions on campaigns of lies to trick stupid people & it works...

Plus the weather can be challenging up here...
