
Robodie t1_j98jfrs wrote

Oh no shit? Ha, you have no idea how awesome that is to hear. Because usually no one even knows who I'm even talking about anymore, and I swear the 90s were NOT that long ago. They couldn't be, right? Hmm...

... anyolewho, check out this beauty that I just ran across on Discogs:

The Springfield Sound Vol. I


Robodie t1_j8wqrty wrote

I used to work there and that was the most awesome place. Not the job - that was only tolerable because of the location. I tell you, going in everyday knowing exactly what kind of weather to plan none at all, except for "cool"...was fantastic.

It's surprisingly bigger than you'd (probably) think, even if you picture it to be huge. Surprised me everyday. Semis look small driving through the tunnels. There's main roads, side roads, signs with directions, me driving around lost because shitty directions on signs, the occasional traffic jam...okay, so you might pass a few semis and maybe a handful of cars on your way to wherever...train tracks, parking lots, and at least one raging bitch that is probably still working alone.

It was awesome, but nothing is THAT awesome.


Robodie t1_iyskezc wrote

I would recommend considering other locations. Crime rate is ridiculous - doesn't matter whether it's a "bad" neighborhood or a "good" one. If it's not nailed down, it's gone. If it IS nailed down, then the bottom half might still be there and the top will probably be one block over.

Suburbs are only marginally better.

Hate talking smack about a place I spent most of my adult life, but it's pretty much a lost cause. Someone burned my house to the ground a couple of years ago, so that's kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Imagine that.


Robodie t1_itkxmfo wrote

Don Jacques, The Jacques Co. It's been a few years since I rented, but he was the best landlord I'd ever had by miles. He also does property management and real estate so has a lot of different types of properties. Takes care of any issues right away, likes dogs, easy to work with...but if you try to leave your lease a few months early you WILL be paying rent for those months.

Even after almost 4 years...self-renewing sneakery!

Anyolewho, best of luck!