
RogerKnights t1_ja4fhm1 wrote

I read that Houston only attacked after he learned that Santa Anna had split his forces, and that he moved rapidly to attack the weaker part once he learned that. Also, that he waited until Santa Anna had advanced so far his supply lines were stretched.


RogerKnights t1_j6o4bug wrote

I’m puzzled by the statements that the record was aluminum and used 78 rpm. I have a 16 2/3 rpm plastic record of me at age five in 1948 at the Empire State building. I last played it maybe 35 years ago and I don’t know where it is now. Was there another company making these? IIRC my mom may have said it cost $1.


RogerKnights t1_iucvmr0 wrote

Before I switched to getting my groceries delivered, I created a full page master list on my computer organized by aisle. It contained every item on each aisle I’d ever bought or might buy, in three columns. Before shopping I’d print out tt master list and highlight the items I wanted. It reminded me of items I might have forgotten.