
Rugged_as_fuck t1_je88yut wrote

Nah, I never regretted the floor, and like someone else replied it was no more difficult to clean than a tile floor, maybe with a bit more grout to deal with since the spacing was irregular. The real key was keeping it sealed, there was a noticeable difference in how quickly it would begin to get dingy between cleanings when the sealing was wearing off.

All the more reason to hate the bench though, it broke up what should have been a great wall to wall shower floor and was the only thing that kept the shower from being perfect.


Rugged_as_fuck t1_je6nykv wrote

I'll second this. I had my tub and shower insert ripped out and hired a contractor to do a full custom shower, and I really wanted a bench. River rock floor, huge beautiful tiles on the wall, and the bench built to match both. The guy did a fantastic job, it came out great, it was exactly what I wanted.

I hated it. It was constantly covered in bottles. It was uncomfortable to sit on because if you didn't spray water on it for 5 minutes it was freezing cold. It took up space that I was constantly reminded I might have wanted to stand in. It accumulated more shower "grime" than the rest of the shower even though it was properly sloped. It was wide enough for two people, which was great for all the times you showered alone, or all the times when you did shower with a partner and wanted the extra room to stand in. Fucking stupid idea.


Rugged_as_fuck t1_jd7zvrn wrote

Right, first of all your position isn't that your view is a possibility, it's that it's a fact. You aren't approaching it from a point of debate, there is no room for "I disagree" so there is effectively no point in engaging you.

That said, your take on it seems to be even more extreme than the interviewee, which runs up against the same problems. The interviewee himself acknowledges the problems inherent in the view. If we assume there is no free will, then no one is responsible for their actions, so there is no point punishing someone for any action or taking measures to prevent it. Guy shoots up an elementary school, tough shit, nothing we could do about it, he was always going to do that. Likewise, there is no point in praising great actions. A man invents a new method for clean, cheap energy and gives it away for the good of the planet instead of for profit. Who gives a fuck, he was already going to do that.

In addition to that being one of the most boring and passive "I'm just here waiting to die" takes on life, taken to the extreme it goes from an unimaginative, milquetoast viewpoint to detrimental to society as a whole. It's also no different than believing a higher power (God) controls all actions and outcomes regardless of human input, everything will always go according to His Plan, a belief that many philosophical individuals would consider small minded and naive.


Rugged_as_fuck t1_jd3y0n1 wrote

I gotta say, I might be coming around, nobody with free will would choose to purchase and wear those glasses.

Other than that, this interview seemed odd. A good part of it is spent asking him generic so where did you grow up, what was your favorite food as a kid questions. I understand that his life experiences can be relevant to shaping his views, but it's all so mundane, including his answers. There's a few paragraphs in the middle actually discussing his viewpoints, and that's it. Then back to bullshit questions. Maybe that's what they were going for, and I'm the problem, expecting it to be focused on his viewpoints.