
RunRevolutionary9019 t1_isotvl5 wrote

Read Geneen Roth’s books, go to one of her things if she still does them. Go to group therapy. Exercise moderately. Eat whatever you want. Refuse to judge yourself for anything you eat. Eat emotionally but if your going to do it do it full on. Comfort yourself for real and again refuse to guilt trip yourself about it. Say your name, that your happy with your weight, and your ideal weight ten times daily. Yoga is good. Chinese medicine helped. I think it sad also about my being done. I was over it and didn’t care if I ended up fat so I did whatever I was told. I gained twenty pounds and lost it again within a year and lost my urge to binge. Happy to talk. It’s been about 22 years since I let my eating disorder go.


RunRevolutionary9019 t1_isosd2c wrote

Read Geneen Roth’s books, go to one of her things if she still does them. Go to group therapy. Exercise moderately. Eat whatever you want. Refuse to judge yourself for anything you eat. Eat emotionally but if your going to do it do it full on. Comfort yourself for real and again refuse to guilt trip yourself about it. Say your name, that your happy with your weight, and your ideal weight ten times daily. Yoga is good. Chinese medicine helped. I think it sad also about my being done. I was over it and didn’t care if I ended up fat so I did whatever I was told. I gained twenty pounds and lost it again within a year and lost my urge to binge. Happy to talk. It’s been about 22 years since I let my eating disorder go.


RunRevolutionary9019 t1_isn2f0b wrote

I had a gnarly ten year eating disorder. About ten years after it was over I went on vacation with a student of mine and her parents.

They are a bit bigger. I’m tiny. Holy hell they were feeders. I didn’t care because at that point my eating disorder was so far behind me I knew I’d lose the weight quickly but man they fattened me up in ten days!

I can spot an emotional eater from a mile away. I so wish I could give them what I have an show them another way.


RunRevolutionary9019 t1_isfimq0 wrote

I have a genetic disorder called a methylation disorder that is generally mild. But we have the two worst subtypes and they don’t get along as far as treatment goes which makes things tricky. I also did a lot of dumb things like drugs and getting a flu that made things a lot worse. My dad started having issues in his fifties and I started in my late thirties. But I’m treated unlike him so hoping I’ll be ok. What exactly do you want to know? It causes folate and b12 absorption issues. My doctor said fifty percent of dementia patients have low folate levels so it makes sense that dementia runs in my family given we all have this type of this disorder.


RunRevolutionary9019 t1_isdtaa8 wrote

My dad exercised so regularly. Ate really well. Never drank. Never smoked. Died at 73 from dementia. Wasted away. I really think it’s this genetic disorder we have because my brain felt like it was melting until I took methylated vitamins. I was in my mid forties and got evaluated for dementia. They said it was adhd but my adhd was never like that until then. Thankfully I’m feeling a lot better these days.


RunRevolutionary9019 t1_iqpli16 wrote

I tend to have low folate and magnesium for genetic reasons. Also, everyone in my family has died from dementia. 50% of dementia patients have low folate levels.

Because people can have specific low nutrient levels for genetic reasons. I also get low b12 and D.