
RyanBlade t1_j9mpncd wrote

Gotcha, so then if you keep going back to the same book store and asking about books that are all in aisle 3 row 7. Not always shelf 2, or what ever just sticking with the analog. Is it not okay if the cashier sees you come in and mentions that they just got a new book in that section?

Clearly they are promoting it if this is your first time, probably promoting it if it is your second time, but eventually it becomes just good service. They got a book in that section, they know you keep asking for stuff that is in that area. They want to sell books, is it not okay for them to let you know about the new item?

I am not trying to slippery slope as I agree, the line between a publisher and distributor is very fuzzy with stuff like search engines,YouTube, Tik Tok, etc. I am just curious where you think the line is as I agree there probably should be one, but don’t know where.


RyanBlade t1_j9lyl2e wrote

Just curious, as I completely get where you are coming from, but would you consider the same standard for a search engine? The algorithm requires your input to search for something. Should Yahoo! be liable for the websites on the search result if they are organized by and algorithm that tries to bring the most relevant results to your query?