
RyuTeruyama t1_jacxvvs wrote

If you want exclusives and games from japanese developers: PS5

If you want a lot of games for less to no money: Xbox (Gamepass)


RyuTeruyama t1_j6lqyw4 wrote

  • Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Majora's Mask (as a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time)
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Shadow Hearts 2
  • Suikoden 2
  • Dark Souls (as a sequel to Demon's Souls)
  • God of War 2 (not Ragnarok)
  • Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
  • Persona 2
  • Paper Mario 2
  • Mario Party 2
  • Silent Hill 2
  • Resident Evil 2 (PS1 originals)
  • Fatal Frame 2 / Project Zero 2
  • Pikmin 2
  • Street Fighter 2
  • Soul Calibur 2 (or Soul Calibur 1 to Soul Edge)
  • Mother 2
  • Bloody Roar 2
  • Gothic 2
  • The Witcher 2
  • Pokemon XD (as a sequel to Pokemon Colosseum)
  • Super Smash Bros Melee
  • Lost Kingdoms 2
  • Yakuza 2
  • Danganronpa 2
  • Ace Attorney 2
  • Star Ocean 2
  • Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
  • Borderlands 2
  • Mega Man 2
  • Diablo 2
  • Rayman 2
  • Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
  • Donkey Kong Country 2
  • Monkey Ball 2
  • Viewtiful Joe 2

Of course this list is totally subjective. Keep in mind I wanted to enumerate just sequels that came direct after the original first game.