
S0nG0ku88 t1_j2236pn wrote

I wouldn't hold my breath on the latter. Humanity is anything if not relentlessly dissapointing. Deforrestation and desertification is expanding, water is becoming more scarce. Species are dying in record numbers. Russia and EU at each others throats. India vs China. China vs US. AI & robotics will put a lot of people out of work at some point. Only the highest levels of educated work will be available and pay and the vast majority of the population will be impoverished and not meet that criteria. Social programs become piggy banks for central government coffers so people get less and less in an ever increasing inflation enviroment. On top of all of the rich and multinationals are buying up and hording most of the available property. In the medical/science field soon humans will start genetically modifying themselves or their children possibly causing a whole host of new genetic diseases and issues to be passed into the general population. I'd say the future looks bright!