SFTExP t1_jae9kq9 wrote

There’s no point in competing with the evolution of AI. What people should focus there energy on is making government and society adapt by giving every individual a healthy, fruitful, and satisfying life experience. Whether that be through UBI or some basic form of giving everyone the baseline of necessities. Something needs to be done to prevent a social and economic collapse. The same ole politics and economics aren’t going to bail us out of a post-singularity transformation.


SFTExP t1_j5x518d wrote

I have an answer to that in the form of a short story (100-word drabble):

Trolley Problem Insurance

Joe rode home with his family, wife in front, and kids playing video games. He had purchased a fully self-automated automobile, capable of errands like picking up curbside groceries.

An angry mob of rioters surrounded the car and pounded on it.

“Everyone brace for impact!” Joe grabbed a handle.

The car self-accelerated, driving through the crowd—bodies flung up top while the car bounced, swerved, and tilted.

Joe’s wife, Mary, said, “Joe, we’re getting in so much trouble!”

“Don’t worry, dear. I went for the supplementary Trolley Problem insurance. Legal protection, medical, and life insurance coverage for these exact situations.”


SFTExP t1_j10lrj4 wrote

Everything you experience will be an advertisement, but you probably won’t even realize it, and may even encourage it (to get better stuff.).

People will freely give up almost everything about themselves to obtain perfectly-matched virtual goods, services, pleasures, or experiences.

Future generations will be less concerned over privacy. Their main issue will be about identity as anyone can virtually mimic anyone or anything else.


SFTExP t1_iwh2hl8 wrote

If the birth rate keeps lowering, companies will want longevity for the masses to maintain loyal consumer bases. The lure of a continuous cash flow and growing profits will motivate its distribution. For example, banks could stretch out loans or mortgages for a century or more.