SN0WFAKER t1_jdkrr4g wrote

Those things are provincial jurisdiction. He's given money for healthcare that's been purposefully wasted by right wing provincial governments who want the system to fail so they can privatize it and make coin. You have just proved that you hate Trudeau for no reason. Maybe some self reflection is in order?


SN0WFAKER t1_jdjbajy wrote

People may vote against the government, but they are fucking stupid to do that when the alternative is worse.
'Fuck Trudeau' is an expression of idiocy; feel free to use it if you like to be viewed as an idiot. Yes I am offended that the clownvoy assholes corrupted the Canadian flag. It will take time for it to recover.
Someone displaying 'fuck Harper' is an immature twat. They shouldn't have be fined, but there was no particular ideology represented by that phase other than its face value so it was not as bad as someone waving 'fuck Trudeau' flags indicating that they are part of a moronic redneck gang.
Trudeau may have allowed Chinese Canadians to get involved in politics and thus indirectly allowed some CPP influence. There's an investigation happening now; a public inquiry wouldn't get any more info (probably less) and would be very expensive.
Trudeau is not 'just as bad as pp' and that's where your 'both sides' argument makes you useless and finds you effectively supporting right wing nut jobs.


SN0WFAKER t1_jdix2g3 wrote

Useless because if you can't determine the lesser of evils, you give equal support to the worst.
And no, 'fuck Trudeau' is an immature slogan adopted by right wing crazies. You shout that and you are a right wing crazy supporter.
I agree that policies are what should matter, but if you look at the 'right' parties in canada, they encompass such a variety of policies from the moderate financial conservatives to the nut job conspiracy crazies. That is the political entity that one would vote for or against, and so without a coherent policy, one can only refer to them as 'the right'.
