
SPDY1284 t1_j6acd0u wrote

It’s really funny how people think recessions are never going to come, even though we know for a fact that they are natural parts of the economic cycle. Contraction leads to expansion and expansion leads to contraction. 2009-2021 was one of the biggest expansions in our history and people still don’t see a recession coming even tho every indicator is telling us one is around the corner (months away). We also know that recessions drop earnings by around 19% on average… but yeah, go buy TSLA at $180.


SPDY1284 t1_iydhwah wrote

If that 401k match is real for the new job then take it. I haven't seen that type of match before though...so make sure you understood it correctly.

Things to keep in mind though:

- "Last one in, first one out"... is this a tech job? I'd be very worry about changing jobs as we go into a recession if you are giving up seniority at a stable company.

- Understand what the actual work differences are. If you are going from working 35 hours a week to 60 hours a week for $10k... that's not even close to worth it.