
SR_Z3R0_ t1_j9v55v2 wrote

i was perplexed, the giant paw, the called “paw of god” in the news. everything i knew about it was just thrown out of the window, the holy books were wrong, all of them, or maybe it was only misinterpreted. but caos was in the world, the paws were destroying everything that go his attention, people were thrown out of the atmosphere, buildings collapsed, planes crashed, and a lot more in a time of only 4 minutes.

when suddenly something got my attention, the giant paw was in my neighborhood, i could see his claws, They are so gentle, but yet so powerful.

-”meow” we all heard

-”meoooow!!!” it sounded pissed

all the cats started going to it, more paws came down from heaven, proving once more that we were wrong, the heaven isn’t ours, we don’t deserve it.

-”meow” a gently sound came

-”you are wondering why, why you all aren’t going to heaven” a sweet voice came from above. it got us by surprise

-”you must pay for your sins” the voice said

-”then you be allowed to the heavens i promised” it continued

turns out that the books were not wrong completely, and we maybe could get a chance.

“god, help us, help your people” i prayed

-”no praying will help now” it said

-”i will be back to pick who is truly mine” it finished

but the chaos was installed. when all the cats and other animals got up, we were left with only plants. The world economy crashed after that. me and a few survivors of my region created a little safe region with a small farm, that's only the start of our new civilization witch may continue till he’s back.


Part 2


SR_Z3R0_ t1_j9v1n5k wrote

A few days ago i marked a blind date with a guy named Alan, i was excited about it, so when i got home i went and marked in my calendar

-”25th feb, that's the day” i said

and marked “Alan, blind, 1230 pm” on the date. I was anxious till that saturday.

The day had finally arrived, so I started preparing myself a few hours before I went to the restaurant. I was talking with my friend about it and about how excited I was to finally meet him. So the time came and I called a cab, since my car was in the mechanic shop. as i got there the waiter told me to wait a little. By the time of the date i heard a lot of commotion coming from inside, so I went to see what it was, but i wasn’t expecting Alan screaming about him going blind in an instant, we called the paramedics who arrived shortly.

When I got to the hospital to see him, the medics told me that he was fine, but blind for no apparent reason. I stayed with him for a couple hours and decided to go home.

i noticed that in my calendar the day didn’t have the writings anymore, but instead it was written “done”, at first i didn’t understand it, but i tried something

“well, what if i put Alan, sighted, 0001am” i wondered

So I tried, and went to shower so I could have some sleep.

The next morning the doctors called me, they said that Alan could see again and he wanted to see me. when i got there Alan was happy, and he said:

-”wow, you're so pretty, i wish i could saw you yesterday”

-”well there’s always time for a second time” i replied

-”so… do you want to go with me to the restaurant again?” he asked

-”of course” i said happily

“i would do anything for this pretty and cute boy” i thought

-”Tomorrow at the same time?” i asked

-”yeah” he said

-”well see you tomorrow then” i said while smiling

-”wait!” he shouted while i was exiting the room

-”Why wait until tomorrow if we could stay together today?” he continued

so after he got released we went to his plate to relax and have some fun, in the night we went out to eat, and he left me in my house

-” i have to admit, it was really good today” i said while getting out of his car

-” we should do more of this” i complemented

-”yeah, if you really want we can go to the cinema tomorrow” he said

-”it would be cool” i said, -”but i have work to do, i will be free next saturday”

-” fine then, see you saturday” he said

I got inside and he drove off,so I went to sleep and waited so the weekend would come for our next date.