
Sad_Tiger_5068 t1_iyf3gfr wrote

Reply to comment by demidev3092 in Into someone else by [deleted]

My partner doesn’t have an issue with me going out to work functions & I have mentioned this coworkers name a few times. My partner often hangs out with people of the attracted sex. Messages, etc. anything to this extent? Probably not. I do apologize if my comments seem like I am playing the victim. I truly don’t mean to come off that way, I know I am the issue. I have created an epic issue that isn’t going to go away. But only dealt with. I have gone to my partner about not being happy with our sex life & it is usually pushed aside & not taken as a priority. I have even thought maybe I was gay, the reason for this is because I seemed so bored in bed & with our relationship but discovered I may just be bored & that’s it. Craving something different. My sexual needs aren’t met & I should have let go of this relationship sooner. For the sake of all of this. & now since I didn’t I fucked up. Thank you for your thoughtful & actual depth full response.


Sad_Tiger_5068 t1_iyeqqy7 wrote

Reply to comment by ramengirl79 in Into someone else by [deleted]

I guess I was looking to see if I was alone in these feelings or not. If I should talk to my partner & try & fix it. Or if I should break up with them & leave them in the dark to spare feelings.


Sad_Tiger_5068 t1_iyeqgli wrote

Reply to comment by FatTony394 in Into someone else by [deleted]

To be fair, I talk to many coworkers and send stuff to them over text/DM/ etc. I haven’t crossed a line in talking about personal life things over text. I honestly would be okay if my partner saw these texts as they do the same with their coworkers and classmates.

The feelings yes, not okay.


Sad_Tiger_5068 t1_iyeq46e wrote

Reply to comment by stevencri in Into someone else by [deleted]

I deserved that one. But to answer your question I care about my partner as I grew up with them. So I agree this sounds like I don’t. I am just overall confused right now. I’m not happy in the relationship or in general. We don’t have either. I tend to let arguments go because it doesn’t ever end well & it’s not worth the fight. Sex life is all I know. So I’m not sure what a “good or bad” sex life is. But in general it’s boring & I usually need to get myself to climax. We did. They have been pushing them off & know I’m not happy about it. I am currently taking a back seat in their career. I respect it just don’t know if I can wait it out. Because I am constantly alone & not listened to. These are not reasons why I should be “allowed to cheat”. Questions are just being answered.
