
SaganWorship t1_iu993oy wrote

Reply to comment by Symp07 in Dunu SA6 Ultra regular release by Symp07

I don’t think you understand how this kind of thing works. First, the FR graph isn’t what’s being “copyrighted” here, it’s the physical damping/construction/tuning/changes to the drivers/whatever else physical characteristics Zeos worked with them to change that is exclusive to the collab contract with him, not the result of all that work and those changes. Second, it would be an idiotic contract indeed for Zeos to have signed that doesn’t protect all those things from being used ever again without compensating him. They can’t just change a color and say “tee-hee this different product now lolz” and go back to selling it. We don’t know the contents of their contract but even a minimally competent lawyer would’ve made sure there was language in that contract preventing exactly what you’re talking about here.