
Sagelmoon t1_j9xoo1p wrote

I asked my delivery driver about this recently. And also if they get entire tip, any of the service fees, if tipping cash was better for her. She said if ppl tip nothing or minimum - many times yer food sits there until somone FINALLY decides to take he order. And they aren't as inclined to give a crap about the extras, lol... straws, utensils, napkins, sauce u wanted, ect. Also that you will be the last person they drive to if taking a few orders at once.

Although they DO get the whole tip she explained.... Doordarsh takes almost all of the money u see besides the tip. So those other "fees" and the inflated prices for stuff...... almost all goes to the company

Me as a person- I would never drive 3 miles to a restaurant, park, go inside to get food, gather the things needed and THEN drive another 3-5miles to somones house for $ 4 - 5 ya know.

Longer the instance and more effort the job TAKES the more a person SHOULD tip.

I tip like I went to a restaurant. 20% plus a little extra. IF THEY SCREW UP yr order, don't bring ANYTHING u need, or deliver to WRONG house blocks away (happened to me last week hahaha 🤦‍♀️) U can always adjust tip after.


Sagelmoon t1_j9xnbf1 wrote

I've done it many times, lol.....sometimes if u are at work and get hungry/thirsty/tired at around 2 pm, ITS WORTH the $6 tip to get a blueberry muffin and a grande white chocolate mocha delivered from 1.5 miles away. 😂🤷‍♀️😂

I know this is a splurge for some ppl. Really depends on how much $$ u MAKE at work for it to make sense.

BUT if u have the money & don't mind, screw it. 😛 And if u really think about it, those who need (or choose) to work as delivery drivers.... the ones who order (AND TIP HOW THEY SHOULD) are how they make THEIR money by giving them busines 🖤


Sagelmoon t1_j9xliyx wrote

2 dollar tip for even 2 coffees from Starbucks is NOT OK. !!! Never would i tip an Uber eats/Dooddash driver less than $5. But 13 coffees = if each person tipped AROUND $1.50, driver could easily make about $19 - $22 for that 1 delivery..

If ppl can't afford it, they shouldnt order. 🤷‍♀️

If I EVER order coffee from work for multiple ppl - EVERY PERSON is chipping in for a tip...or they don't oder.

I personally never delivered food before but I DID waitress for many years in my 20s.... so have always been a OVER TIPPER because of that.

Probably unpopular opinion, LoL but - Every American should HAVE to work a job in food service or customer service w tips.... for at least a year growing up. Only THEN should u be APPROVED to go out to eat OR order delivery. 😂 That's the only way everyone would truly understand JUST how hard ppl in the industry work (and the bullshit!t they endure.)


Sagelmoon t1_j9xj7v4 wrote

Vice versa too !!😛.... even if they tipped the COST to get into NYC via bridge/tunnel AND I had a mannequin as a fake passenger to take the "good lane" to deliver something...N O P E. Not worth the TIME, traffic, 40 red lights, ppl not using blinkers to cut u off, ect.

My DUMBASS did something SUPER freaking dumb once when I was 22 years old. (As an adult I'm EMBARASSED about how stupid this is )
10pm on New Years Eve my bf & I thought it would be a GENIUS idea to watch the ball fall in NYC. 🥳 🤷‍♀️🍷 🎉 🤦‍♀️ 🍸 Sooooo drove from my house in NNJ... Just to spend New Years stuck in the tunnel for 2 hours in bumper to bumper traffic. 😂😂 Soon as we got out the tunnel we turned around and went home.

Granted we still had radio signal so celebrated w the other jackasses stuck in tunnel..... but def NOT one of my brightest moments. 😛😂