
Saint_Oliver t1_ix7y3k5 wrote

Electronic potential energy is basically the physics behind chemistry, and biology depends on chemistry.

I will say that potential energy surfaces of molecules are many many steps away from macro biology and maybe far away from cellular biology as well, but personally my knees start shaking when molecules have more than three atoms (biology is not my field).

That being said you can definitely talk quantitatively about potential energy surfaces for things like amino acids. It’s just that, as things get more complex, the tool no longer fits the job and the tools of organic chemistry are more tailored to describe things like protein folding.

I don’t know what OP is talking about btw stimulating life and stuff, but the CHARMM program seems like a legit quantum chemistry program although I’m unfamiliar. It DEFINITELY makes approximations to reach any results as from a physics standpoint molecules are many body problems that do not have exact solutions. The art in science is really making the best approximations you can.