
Saith_Cassus t1_iy3wrtq wrote

Pretty much. For all we yammer on about the infallibility of the founding fathers and how it was totally cool what they meant in the second amendment, it feels like everyone should be able to agree on what the eighth amendment’s ban on “cruel and unusual punishment” probably was intended to prevent something like prison rape and prisoners attacking other prisoners. We shouldn’t be cheering these things on; they’re flagrant violations of the basic rights of these prisoners and a sign of the abject failure of our prison system.


Saith_Cassus t1_ivunkfp wrote

Ah, I see the reason for the confusion.

Coca-Cola actually has a large number of seats in our Congress and dictates policy for the US government on a regular basis. They’ve bought and paid for almost all of our congressional res in some capacity or another, typically with gifts of just a few thousand dollars.


Saith_Cassus t1_ivtyhx7 wrote

It largely boils down to economics. Plastic recycling facilities operate on a shoestring budget, and often can’t or don’t turn a profit. It also doesn’t help that we’re only allowed to use a relatively small percentage (~30%) of recycled materials in containers intended for human consumption, like soda or water bottles. That reduces the profit margin even further.

I’m not going to pretend that I’m an expert on the subject matter and have the solutions. But the simple fact of the matter is, there’s a reason that the three R’s list “recycle” after reduce and reuse.