
Sakurasou7 t1_j6k2zvr wrote

Momentum will be key. Korea has the chance to become a dominant player. They can do this by becoming more visible to European nations. Even with Germany's attitude, their gear is technologically advanced and is a dominant player rn. Potential must be realized, military gear purchases are more than just simple purchases. It aligns the partnering nation with the seller in more ways than one. Poland has decided to go along with Korea, but will others do the same? Showing commitment in the region is the way to further Korea's interests. Much like how the US conducts its business.


Sakurasou7 t1_j6jh3fh wrote

What comes around goes around. Korean military hardware gets battle proven, meaning that weaknesses can be adressed. Also Korea gains easy entry to EU markets. Third in an event of a hot war with NK, NATO could support SK with spare ammunition, especially if they start using Korean gear.

There are pros and cons that the government must weigh.