
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jcguawg wrote

Actually sentencing people to time that statutes call for would probably be a good start.

First time offenders of RIGL 11-47-8A are afforded the chance of deferment for their sentence. Why should anyway convicted of illegally carrying a gun out on the streets be coddled?

Even a second time offender only has to do one year minimum.

And firing in a compact area? Misdemeanor….. so if someone fires a bullet into the air, which laws of physics says must come back down, the most you can do is a year in jail.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jc241ce wrote

You don’t need a permit to replace anything inside of a home that doesn’t require electrical work; usually, or as long as it doesn’t require affecting the structural aspect of the home.

You can gut an entire second floor and not need to pull a permit as long as you aren’t changing anything that effects weight bearing walls pretty much.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jbrkvaa wrote

Oh I’m sorry, what’s the bottom limit for the number of people employed for 3-5 years with good salaries where you’d put your taste aside? All construction jobs are temporary, and the only thing that keeps construction workers employed is more construction. So this would have been a massive boost for all those people that Reddit appears to care for.

It would have been such a boost that every union was behind this project.

And your idea of an eye sore is your opinion, I would have liked to have seen this built since it would spur more to be built. This building is a leap and a jump ahead of the art deco of the Superman Building or the International design of One Financial.

And everything is better than the Brown University Brutalist library’s on Waterman.
