SameOldBro t1_j2cwx6p wrote
Reply to comment by scihole in Iranian author said sentenced to death for giving interview to Israeli TV channel by essential_projection
> the owner of memri tv
"The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI; officially the "Middle East Media and Research Institute" ) is a nonprofit press monitoring and analysis organization co-founded by former Israeli military intelligence officer Yigal Carmon and Israeli-American political scientist Meyrav Wurmser"
not sure why you are so suggestive, are you implying that it's bad because it's Israeli owned?
SameOldBro t1_je8q5x7 wrote
Reply to comment by RagiModi in 'A win of epic proportions': World's highest court can set out countries' climate obligations after Vanuatu secures historic UN vote by lurker_bee
Which means countries such as Sweden or Germany will feel compelled to comply while China and Russia ignore it.