
Samurai_Stewie t1_iye2gm8 wrote

Of course it’s dependent on the industry and company, which is why I said OP “may be able to work fewer hours.” I’m comparing their current OT job to a salary one, which will be an entry level position which will 99.9% of the time not be required or expected to work a great deal more than 40 hours a week.


Samurai_Stewie t1_iydqf3n wrote

Salary is a quality of life benefit over hourly that you won’t value until you experience it, especially if your work schedule is somewhat flexible. Yes, you can work more hours and make more money now in your old job, but you may be able to work fewer hours and not stress about clocking in/out or getting overly taxed for your OT hours. In your new spare time you can work a second job if you really want to, but you can also decompress or go to school.