
Sandblaster1988 t1_j8mrmd0 wrote

I like running laps on Belle Isle. Hearing the river flow past the rocks is a nice vibe.

During undergrad I used to do Monroe Park through the Fan to the end of Carytown/museum district and back. Some stretch of it was down Monument & Blvd, but I just went through the neighborhoods with an endpoint/turnaround spot in mind before heading back.


Sandblaster1988 t1_j291106 wrote

Work has put me in view of a lot of holiday decorations. Seeing some of them start to come down is bittersweet. I have some good memories and some bad memories of the holiday season but I always enjoyed seeing everyone’s festive spirit even if I couldn’t fully feel what they did.

I’ll miss them but of course would we really appreciate it if we saw it all year round?


Sandblaster1988 t1_j1hqeml wrote

Reply to comment by lame_gaming in The Arctic Night Thread by Asterion7

I just did the train from Portland, Oregon to Chicago last month. It was a lovely adventure but even in my roomette it was pretty tough to get a good night of sleep. Snow covered Glacier National Park was great though.


Sandblaster1988 t1_itv8cs8 wrote

A good friend of mine since middle school is getting married on the 30th. She’s been with her man for a little over two years. While the dude has always irritated me a bit, he treats her well, she’s happy, and that’s what matters.

Aside from taking her out to dinner there’s been a backlog of spook movies to watch.


Sandblaster1988 t1_it0985r wrote

My dad was a CJ man when I was born and had the original Gladiator as his work truck. It’s been my daily driver (two TJ’s, sadly lost the first in an accident, second was old stock) since I was a teen. I’m conditioned to it and I always find that it just makes me happy driving it. Not on interstates though…she is a highway and rural coastal road dream.