
Sanguinius666264 t1_jdeylj6 wrote

ah - meaning and purpose. There, that's putting your finger on it. Being dissatisfied with where you're at is one thing and I agree, it's 100% motivating to be dissatisfied and it certainly helps to then align yourself to improve. Once you've also figured out what your purpose is, that when you're working towards achieving that outcome, that's 100% chef's kiss great.

I struggled with it for a really long time, until I had something of an epiphany pretty recently, actually - one of the key things I found was the need to get rid of my bad habits. I was drinking too much, I had bad habits with food, I was still being pretty comparative between other people and what they had.

I stopped drinking. I eat right. I exercise a lot. I know that I'm here to deliver kick ass projects and to help other people in achieving the same thing. I live for my family and what they need. There's nothing else - there doesn't need to be anything else, because all of those are infinite and can continnue for as long as I'm here on the planet.