
Sarcofaygo t1_jdngvpb wrote

>All I got out of this article is that the mall currently pays $500,000 / year in taxes when their bill should be $25,000,000.

If that was their bill the mall would close down and suddenly the yearly payment would be $0/year in taxes

Now if you had said $1,000,000 or so, that's a more reasonable proposition


Sarcofaygo t1_jc105rq wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Frisk Co by mhb

>Rhode Island isn’t just Providence, so that’s why I’m curious if this is only a Providence thing or it’s statewide.

This is r/providence not r/rhodeisland


Sarcofaygo t1_jb8zxew wrote

>Especially when literal Nazis are the one committing these crimes. Like, literally self declared white supremacists…

While likely, we don't know that for sure for this specific case because the suspects are still at large.

I'm guessing that Red Ink is hesitant to call the Police due to their political views but it could potentially help in tracking down whoever did this

Edit / apparently they called the police. I hope whoever did this gets caught
