
Sassmaster008 t1_jc8aush wrote

Yes and no. The stove was installed in 1 day but because it's natural gas I had to have a plumber make that connection on another day and then enchanted came back to start it.

I imagine with pellet stove you could be done in 1 day. I also had an existing chimney that they installed a new chimney/ cold air intake in. I don't know your situation there.


Sassmaster008 t1_japh10z wrote

I had a lady at elm park approach me in the parking lot while my dog was on a leash to say, I'm bringing my dog through. I was like ok whatever. What she meant to say is, I'm letting my dog run around unleashed and be a pain in your ass while your dog is leashed. I was amazed at her stupidity. I'm restraining my dog, get yours under control you moron. No I don't want your dog coming up to mine unleashed. There's signs all over saying all dogs must be leashed too there. People are the worst


Sassmaster008 t1_jap7ybj wrote

There are responsible dog owners and then there are the ones who don't clean up after their dogs. I don't understand why they don't pick up the poop. It takes all of 30 seconds at most.

There's also those who can't be bothered with holding a leash or containing their dogs. Those owners are the absolute worst. I don't want to pull on my dog cause you can't keep yours on a leash cause they're a "nice" dog. It doesn't matter, dogs all react differently to animals off leash.

I hate people, I love dogs!


Sassmaster008 t1_jaiowbn wrote

Instead of talking to someone who could fix your issue, you decided to post on reddit. What do you expect to happen? Did you just want to vent?

Why isn't calling the dpw and talking to them kindly and calmly a good option? Instead you're saying why don't they fix this problem while never expressing your issue to people who can address it.

I think everyone assumes their service is what the rest of the city gets. I get decent service but I also understand there's areas that don't. It's a driver dependent issue not citywide. I also wouldn't assume that there's a large group who want to be garbage collectors. It's good pay for hard labor. The hard labor scares people away.


Sassmaster008 t1_it4t12f wrote

The oil level low sensor should never go off. Not sure what you drive but it sounds like it burns oil. Check it with the dipstick, it's easy and I'm sure you can find a youtube video on how.

What do you mean 25% oil left? The dashboard display reads like that? If so that's based on how long you've had the current oil and how many miles, nothing to do with the quantity of oil in the engine.