
SaulsAll t1_j1cvtut wrote

I like to consider the idea that time travel may be possible through a sort of gate, and that no one has traveled to the past so far because the earliest you can travel is to the creation of the first gate. But once the first is built, the floodgate will be opened and people from all times will be appearing through it.

In terms of only traveling via observation, there is an excellent short story by Asimov about this very thing.


SaulsAll t1_j0u161o wrote

I prefer duty to retreat. I feel stand your ground is a lot more feelings-based and has too low a bar for lethal force. I don't want it to be acceptable to shoot someone because their skin color made their yelling seem life-threatening.

That said, duty to retreat might also have too high a bar. For instance, if someone's entire life is contained in and dependent on their vehicle, I don't think it is reasonable to expect them to abandon it if they have the means to defend themselves.

It's tricky all around, and I don't have info at hand to say which is more effective, or even what effective would mean with this issue. Are we more worried about people dying, or are we more worried about putting the burden on the victim of violent altercations to do the right thing?


SaulsAll t1_izkisuk wrote

Reply to Yikes by MollyClock

Cut him some slack, people.

It says right there how much tougher his life is.


SaulsAll t1_iybbc1d wrote

Reply to comment by MrChuffs in Movies like 28 Days later by MrChuffs

Yes, it's a subdued thriller, not action, but it's shot basically on a computer screen. Everything is skype calls and net searches and the like. I found it a decent enough story to make the gimmick worth it.


SaulsAll t1_iu6wf9s wrote

Some people really liked all the different ways he tied the motif of dealing with a wild animal together. There are layers to the ways he expressed that message all through the story, and in the subtle acting cues. People also liked how the creature "explained" a variety of unexplained reports of aerial phenomena through history - from UFOs to angels.

I agree with you (I think) that the movie was good, but not as incredible as some have made it out to be. I would suggest looking up the Reddit megathread if you are interested in how some people really dug down into the symbols and nods.