
Scarlet109 t1_iy1rwk8 wrote

Me: Makes a joke about obvious cause and effect

You: gets offended and tells me to publish a paper about obvious cause and effect despite there already being hundreds (one of which is literally linked in the post on which is being commented on)

Not once did I say or imply that I “know it all”.

Edit: Pointing out that many studies are conducted to prove thing we already know to be true was the intent of the original comment.


Scarlet109 t1_ivv5kn8 wrote

The Jewish people have what we (Jews) call “close knit communities” which result in “intercommunal breeding”. It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds, but it does increase the concentration of certain genetic traits. You can see examples of this in purebred animals. Pugs, for example, didn’t always used to look like their faces got smooshed up against the window and as a result of breeding that specific trait, nearly all purebred pugs have serious health issues, especially when it comes to breathing.