
ScienceWasLove t1_jaa6y8h wrote

True. It doesn’t specify any specific action. Shooting guns while UI sure does qualify….

§ 2705. Recklessly endangering another person. A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if he recklessly engages in conduct which places or may place another person in danger of death or serious bodily injury.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja5hyb6 wrote

What's great is that the teachers aren't complaining. The PFT and PSEA have not told them to complain, and continue shilling for nearly every democratic candidate.

The older teachers (like me) who understand what happened won't be impacted. The younger teachers (as mentioned) are to young to realize.

I wonder why Corbet didn't just abolish the system, as you suggest? Under his governship the contribution rate actually increased to 10.3%, attempting to at least increase funding, before Wolf decimated it.

Here is a link to the 7 member classes and contribution rates. I think the example you are looking at only references 3 of the 7 classes. You don't move through the classes based on the year, you stay in the the class for the year you were hired. Fortunately my rate is locked in at 7.5%.


I know changes were necessary. I just think the should have made changes to make it similar to police/fireman (on NYC teachers) where you can collect around 50% at 25 years w/ no penalty, instead of 50% at 35 years, starting a second career in your 40's.

I also think the teachers continue to tow water for the democrats when they should, at the very least, be vocal about how the changes under Wolf were not pro-teacher. Yet they praise him like jebus.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja4vs3p wrote

The DC number you site is projected, and again is made of employee contributions 4.5-5.5% based on, an imaginary 7% return, and a 2-2.5% employer contribution. It is smoke and mirrors.

The majority of the money in that 403b/TSA will be THEIR OWN contributions, not a windfall.

All of which teachers were free to do before the reform w/ a 403b/TSA.

No matter how you frame it, teachers will have a less secure retirement.

The law was signed be Wolf. He could have vetoed, proposed less drastic changes.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja4p787 wrote

I have been a paying union member for 22 years. Part of the AFT, PFT, PSEA, and NEA. Plus a former Teamster.

The PSEA spent many many PACE contributions promoting Gov Wolf before he was elected and while he was elected. In the PSEA magazine he was getting full spread articles about how great he has been for public education.

The union is very pro democratic politicians for very understandable reasons.

The pension reform, which he vetoed, will absolutely impact the quality of retired life for all new teachers moving forward. Some will use the saved DC funds (403b) wisely, most will blow through it very quickly, and be left w/ a pension that is HALF what their predecessors got.

Yes, Wolf screwed the teachers pension wise, and he didn’t have to. The state workers also got screwed. Some of my colleagues know this but many have no clue this change occurred, or the finical implications of this long term.

Corbet attempted to do the same, but he never signed off on pension reform because democrats would have lost their minds. Wolf was a useful idiot for the Republicans.

They could have done the following:

  1. set a CAP on maximum salary (like social security)
  2. changed the 3 average formula to a 5 year average formula
  3. excluded coaching / extra curriculum income from calculations
  4. changed year limits or multiplier

If you believed in the current system - this is what other states have done to trim costs but maintain integrity.

The plan under Corbet included #1, and the salary caps would have forced almost every superintendent into early retirement.

It should be noted that state legislators can join SERS or PSERS and I bet as the junior legislators age and they start to realize what they did to themselves, there will be some pension reforms again, that is better for members.

The 2.5 multiplier legislation was a result of politicians writing themselves into the PSERs system.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja4mld8 wrote

There is absolutely no model for “higher starting salaries”. Salaries are determined district by district.

Perhaps Pittsburg did raise staring salaries because of the pension change, I have no idea if that is true. However a higher stating salary (if true) and an 11 year salary schedule is attractive. But the Pittsburg district also has $5,000 sign on bonuses right now….


ScienceWasLove t1_ja4m3or wrote

The 401k is the slight of hand part that attracts the bugs to the bug zapper. It sure does look attractive. Unless you are retired for 10+ years. A 7% market assumption was part of what created this problem.

Let us not forget that the politicians created this funding problem by decreasing state/employer contributions because of higher market returns. When the market tanked, and the employer/state contribution did not return to previous levels. They literally kicked the can down the road for a decade+.

At the very least, they could have returned the multiplier to 2.0, or left the multiplier at 2.0 w/ a target of 25 years.

I see Pittsburg SD is offering a $5,000 signing bonus w/ around 170+ vacancies.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja42ehh wrote

Ok. Lets focus on how the republicans, PSEA, and wolf all circled around the teachers in the firing squad and fucked over new teachers. My multiplier will be 2.5%; new teachers will get 1.25% (or 1%). They are getting fucked and will get half the pension for the same time. Retirement multipliers per PSERs:

Example per PSERS:

You mention a 401k, but that is money is a mandatory 4-5%ish of the teachers salary, it is effectively a decrease in present salary. In most districts this was already in place with optional 403b programs.

Don't worry. The vast majority of PSEA members and democrats are wholly unaware of how Wolf fucked over the teachers. They used to be aware of the change from a 2.0 multiplier and 40 years to 2.5 and 30, and who made it happen, but it has all been lost to history.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja3sg87 wrote

Wolf signed it into law. All he had to do was veto the very anti-teaching legislation authored by the republican general assembly, that would have been the end - and a win for the people who put him in office.

What’s worse is the PSEA nearly blew Wolf throughout his whole term.

I should have said NYC school system is 25 years.

In link you provided none of the non-NYC tiers had a 35 year threshold, like PA.

The assumptions in the PennLive article from PSEA do not match the more realistic assumptions provided by PSERs. Again, it equates to about 1/2 of what I will get. It is also an annuity, so it doesn’t literally have the same value as cash when you die.

Once you teach for 2-10 years, you start to fully understand the ramifications of the pension system. So, I am 22 years in, and at 35 years I will collect a decent pension. I have known this since about year 2 of teaching.

Teachers w/ a BS in Math, Bio, Chem, Physics will realize in year 2-10 that they can make more money in the private sector, that combined w/ the lack luster pension - after staying around for 35 years - will provide an incentive for career change. It’s happening now because of COVID related issues in public ed.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja3nlj7 wrote

In NY teachers can retire at 25 years w/out penalty, and start a second career in their 40’s.

In PA the revisions essentially cut pensions benefits in half - while maintaining the 35 year requirement. Starting a second career in your 40’s is more reasonable vs 50’s.

They should have changed 35 years to 25 years.


ScienceWasLove t1_ja3mpg1 wrote

PA requires a MS in 5 years in order to get a Level 2 cert, otherwise your Level 1 cert expires and you can’t teach.

The new pension plan revisions equate to about 2/3rds of what a teacher would get before the revisions - about half of their salary - after 35 years.

Similar to what cops/fireman get - except they only have to work 20-25 years.

The changes will cause new teachers to leave the profession at higher rates.

If you had to teach for 20-25 years, you could arguably transition to another career while in your 40’s.

Teaching until you are in your 50’s makes that career change much harder.

Wolf fucked the teachers hard w/ the pension change.

In NY you only need to teach 25 years to collect a “full pension” with no penalty.