
ScratchMoore t1_ja46081 wrote


I would happily and easily give the NHL $150 every year for a subscription to or or whatever for the ability to watch the Pens.

But noooooo. I have to get Fubo. I mean, come on. It’s 2023. Take my fucking money.


ScratchMoore t1_j9zip79 wrote

I performed a wedding ceremony at Phipps about 15 years ago. While I wasn’t involved in the planning, I can say that everyone involved on the day of the ceremony was helpful and friendly and the couple who got married had no complaints either.


ScratchMoore t1_j9zib6g wrote

Fee, donation, alms, whatever. It’s all the same thing. There may not be a set cost, but there is definitely an expectation of a donation. Just like eating out. Nobody is forced to tip, but in reality you have to tip.

Also, OP mentions not regularly attending a Christian church. There’s no specifics. If they were raised Baptist, I have to venture a guess that they would have to accept the teachings of the Lutheran or Catholic dogmas and be indoctrinated into a specific denomination before getting baptized.


ScratchMoore t1_j8y1bk5 wrote

Then my next question would flip that coin. Instead of blaming Democrats for their anti-gun policies (which, other than a few in the very minority, do not involve banning guns or removing guns already purchased), what policies have the Republicans put forth to help in regards to gun violence?

I hesitate to turn this into a Dem vs Rep debate because it’s just about “pro-me and anti-you” catchphrases and sloganeering at that point.

But republicans die in mass shootings just as much as democrats do. Bullets don’t know your registration. Why are Republicans wearing AR-15 or AK-47 or whatever those pins are? Why are they glorifying the gun?

I hear many folks say it’s a mental health issue. Well then, why do I not see any proposals from those on the right to increase mental health budgets? Or institute health care that could allow those who are poor or mentally I’ll to have better access to the tools that could possibly help them overcome their homicidal urges?

It seems to me that Dems at least have proposals to do SOMEthing about the problem. True, I admit that some of those proposals may not be feasible or popular or whatever term you’d like to use, but at least they want to have a discussion. I see absolutely nothing coming from the Reps. They refuse to even talk about any restrictions on guns. They refuse to increase mental health access. They refuse to increase any kind of health benefits at all. What proposals to stop this epidemic have Republicans put forth, other than thoughts and prayers?

I’m trying not to sound glib, but it’s difficult when it comes to this issue. Why not close the private sale/gun show loophole so folks can’t circumvent the waiting list? Why not have a registry? Why not reinstitute the Clinton-era assault weapon ban? It is 100% factual that during the years that was in place, mass shootings were at a low compared to before and after it. It’s been proven to work.

There are steps that can be taken, by BOTH sides. I know there are deeper problems, like getting money out of politics. The NRA and their dollars make it impossible to even have a conversation about it. Remember after Parkland in Florida? The state legislature wouldn’t even allow a discussion on the floor about what could be done. Reread that - they didn’t stop politicians from proposing any legislation. They didn’t even allow the DISCUSSION about what they could do. That is vile and reprehensible and indefensible, in my opinion.


ScratchMoore t1_j8xdxlq wrote

Sounds like a great solution to that problem would be to distribute free identification cards to every American adult on their 18th birthday. That way everyone is able to vote without paying a poll tax and they can own weapons without paying for their license as well.

As for insurance, I’m sure there’s a logical way to compensate for that. Perhaps weapons could have a $5 surcharge added to their price? Something like that. For things that already cost hundreds of dollars, another $5 (or some other negotiable term) shouldn’t be a barrier to anybody. I’m open to other solutions or suggestions as well.