
ScrewWorkn t1_jaau1l6 wrote

You invest pretty much the same way in a 401k as you do on your own. You add in money and then pick the funds you want to invest in.

  • Read the FAQ on investing
  • Open a IRA (either roth or traditional, probably Roth for you) with someone like Vanguard, Fidelity, Charles Schwab. I use fidelity, I love their customer support.
  • Pick some investment, typically index funds to invest in. I would recommend something like FZROX to start with. It is easy and pretty much a set and forget it.
  • As you get more comfortable read up on 3 fund portfolio.

ScrewWorkn t1_j6ov3co wrote

>why should I be required to pay a company I never entered into an agreement with?

Because the purchased the loan from the xyz bank. You can agree not to pay ABC Collection and it would be the same effect as not paying xyz bank.