
SdoRy_ t1_jeevqjh wrote

Did you get R3 stabs? That version has severe issues for many people, myself included. The new QMX stabs are pretty good, and I'll soon try the new TX AP stabs.


SdoRy_ t1_ja7qhze wrote

There is this thing: When you first start out in mechanical keyboards all you know is Cherry. Eventually you find other switches and realize they seem so much better than Cherry, so you only use those and believe Cherry is actually trash.

But one day, when you've seen and heard everything, when there is no more to discover, when you have time to reflect what you've learned... you will realize that Cherry switches are the be-all-end-all after all. Nothing compares. Nothing comes close. Everything else is a cheap copy trying to immitate greatness. Cherry is the goat, and you, my child, will one day see the light as well.

A broken in Cherry switch is the perfect switch. Use dry-lube instead of 205, no films, and you too shall spread the holy word.


SdoRy_ t1_ja4r4t1 wrote

Just making sure: You ordered a product, knowing it wasn't what you really wanted, ordered and paid anyways, only to contact CableMod after that to see if you can change something - because you didn't want the thing you ordered to begin with? How is that CableMods fault? 24 hours is a perfectly reasonable response time, and you should've contacted them before buying something you don't really want.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I don't really feel your "poor experience" with CableMod is justified.


SdoRy_ t1_j6twx86 wrote

No you can do that. Don't think it will affect sound, since you basically get rid of every sound the wire could make by modding.

Have not worked with Owlab stabs though, heard they are either very good or very bad depending on the initial straightness of the wires, since it's extremely difficult to permanently straighten them if they come bent.


SdoRy_ t1_j6toweu wrote

If you can, go for staebies. Not that tx rev3 are worse or anything, but r3 specifically has QC issues where the wires are often too long and lead to rattling. Also they aren't very straight most of the time.

If you need 1.2 however I would still go TX


SdoRy_ t1_j20lq01 wrote

Reply to comment by k4zie in Novelkeys - Poor Customer Service by k4zie

You're not warning others, you're acting in bad faith because you can't accept the reality that you damaged your own product, and instead now try to shift it to be the company's responsibility.

You say NK is blaming you unjustified - but let's be real here for a second: You didn't check the PCB before building, and the pictures clearly show damage to the PCB from inserting switches wrongly. How can you be so certain that it wasn't your fault? Why are you so quick to put the finger on NK? As others have said, it's extremely rare that a PCB leaves a facility faulty, it's even rarer that the socket in question happens to have damage marks that correspond to wrong switch insertion. So what do you think is more likely: That somehow a reputable company like NK tries to sell a reused PCB that was damaged and not checked by them before reselling, and that happened to go to that one person who also doesn't check his PCB before building, or that you just fucked up and damaged the PCB yourself? Ima go with the second option 100 out of 100 times. So stop crying and victimizing yourself like you got screwed over; you didn't, and I feel genuinely sorry for NK for having to deal with people like you.

You are the reason why I despise working with customers directly in any type or form. And judging by how the community is reacting when it is not shying away of calling out bad companies you should reevaluate your stance, accept the fact that you fucked up and learn 1) to check PCBs before building and 2) how to insert switches correctly.


SdoRy_ t1_iu3t7s3 wrote

Unikorns are still getting “published” though. Elaine from Singa specifically said that one manufacturer ran away with the design files from R1 und proceeds to manufacture and sell them, which is not only morally wrong, but also illegal. The pictures in this post are besides the engraving identical to unikorns, which makes them clones of a stolen design, and therefore quite literally illegal.