
SeaworthinessFew2418 t1_iuk2mov wrote

Yes but the straight of Taiwan is hundreds of miles wide. The Bosporus straight is like 1 km wide at its thinnest, and passes right through one of turkeys biggest cities. It's more like the Hudson River, and letting another nations warships pass right past the statue of liberty... If you don't have permission it's gonna be a serious problem.


SeaworthinessFew2418 t1_iuk1mcp wrote

>let’s step in and not even give this bitch the chance to fire one off

Uh huh... Yeah I don't think you really appreciate nuclear deterrence forces and how they work.

As is the case in the US and among other world nuclear powers, Russia's intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles are always deployed and in a constant state of readiness. Russia has multiple submarines ready to go at any given moment, as well as ICBM's on mobile launchers stationed all over the country.

Stop acting like Russia is weak, they have the same nuclear capabilities as the US...


SeaworthinessFew2418 t1_iufr5kp wrote

More like showing them off in Ukraine so they can sell them on the open market, similar to how bayraktar gave a bunch of their drones to Ukraine as basically free advertisement.

International arms sales is a multi-billion dollar industry that every country wants to get a cut of. Iran's market is all those third world countries who can't buy expensive American weapons because of either high cost, or because they plan on using them for all the wrong reasons.