
Seiren t1_jaa6218 wrote

Global reformation is a really tough call. I understand the desire for global alteration, because it feels like chemotherapy is necessary for cancer.

First idea: Be the example you want to see in the world. People are ultimately sheep-like and will emulate the values that they see that work. In order for values we wish to see propagated in the world to manifest we must start with ourselves.

Second idea: A website that creates argument maps/trees for every narrative/conversation that is occurring. This way, we can drill through every argument and see what rational arguments are made at the very bottom. It needs to be flexible enough that one can point out hypocrisies and why certain issues are compatible or not compatible with certain values.

I'm not as confident idea 2 would work, but it's something that's been floating in my head. I'm not confident because irrational types are only interested in rational arguments as long as it's for their cause, as soon as it's against it's discarded, but at the very least we can disarm the bullshit in this world so it won't be as dangerous.


Seiren t1_jaa00zr wrote

I think people should be guided by intellectual thought but I don't know about governed. It's possible to stray too far into authoritarianism which inevitably seems to leads to an overthrow because even the wisest can make mistakes and be unable to justify them to the masses.

I get your frustration though: sometimes it feels like a bunch of irrational fools have much influence and power.