
SenTedStevens t1_jcpp0qx wrote

I remember having some Tonka trucks in the 80s-early 90s. They were made almost entirely from metal, like the cab on the dump truck. That was metal. I think the only plastic was the tires and front bumper. We used to take them to the beach to make sandcastles. Not even the salt could kill them. They were invincible even after the paint flaked off and the metal started to turn to rust. I got so many cuts from those trucks. But they still held up. I don't know what happened to them.

We had a dump truck, grader, and a digger.

They looked like this and similar patina:


SenTedStevens t1_j7rjc4q wrote

Yep. I made around 60k back in 2011 or so and lived in a cheap apartment. I was doing OK while putting some money away in a 401k, but it wasn't amazing. I also had no major debt, which made things easier. But, 12 years later on that salary, that's going to be rough unless you live with multiple roommates or can find a cheap place to live.


SenTedStevens t1_itvn6dz wrote

Yeah, but that's a garbage explanation if you're a doctor and have the same patient coming to your office with the same issues repeatedly and simply dismiss them. 9/10 times it may be something benign, but if someone keeps coming in they should at least try more advanced diagnostics. And doctors love giving non-specific diagnosis like IBS or some kind of -itis. Oh, you're having stomach aches/shitting weirdly or have some kind of inflammation, just deal with it and/or take extra Aleve.