
Sennva t1_ja3h6j3 wrote

Interesting point. Would most Amish agree to take a Covid test or visit a modern doctor if they were sick though?

My impression was they prefer to rely on prayer and home remedies over modern medicine. If so, its unlikely all their cases got reported.

I'm a bit skeptical, but maybe there's something to it. The Amish are a rather insular community. I wouldn't be surprised if they had differences in immune system from the average American because of their tendency to marry inside their community, keep livestock, and rely less on modern healthcare.

Studies have shown there are immune system related drawbacks to living in a largely sterile environment without frequent exposure to animals. Higher risk of allergies for example. There are other coronaviruses which pre-date Covid too. Maybe that lifestyle is just more likely to lead to similar exposures and natural immunity.


Sennva t1_j1z4n3s wrote

Stealing? No one forces you to drive the turnpike. There are other routes.

I'm not a fan of toll roads either. Especially the PA turnpike. So I do the rational thing and avoid them rather than racking up unpaid tolls that would obviously come back to haunt eventually. Anyone who didn't expect them to collect on these at some point is delusional.


Sennva t1_iwy0xuj wrote

Maybe you live in a more enlightened area. The demand is definitely still out there.

I know a family who've had it done to every cat they've ever owned. They seem to consider it a necessary evil and not a big deal since their cats got over it and "seem fine".

Clearly there are still vets in the state who perform the surgery. There will always be someone unscrupulous out there which is why laws like this are necessary.


Sennva t1_iv0mlzh wrote

Exactly. Only those retired or well-off financially can comfortably afford to serve jury duty as it stands. Everyone else is incentivized to try to get out of it by the need to earn enough to pay existing bills. I'm not sure how anyone can argue that doesn't skew the pool.

Thankfully it isn't common, but some trials last months. There have even been a few that lasted years! It is ridiculous to expect people to take such a drastic pay cut for an indefinite period of time and with so little notice.