
SentientPotatoes t1_j29h2oz wrote

ACK! ACK! I dropped a fresh clump of wet hair ball on his foot.

"No! Judy No!" Amber shooed me away, I hissed and sauntered off. "I'm so sorry, she's not normally like this." No Amber, don't apologise to this schmuck. I climbed the coffee table and sat myself. I tucked my front paws in between my hind legs and wrapped my long luscious tail around me.

"I'll go get some kitchen towel" Amber began to stand up. " Bad kitty. No kibble for you". You can't reprimand me Amber. You and I know who really runs this house. Amber went to the kitchen leaving me and the human male alone. He smelled like he took a dive in a pool of axe body spray. He smelled like he was hiding something. His hair was pulled black and slick. He looked like he shaved with a butter knife. He wore a black turtle neck that was clearly too tight for his growing belly and a sports jacket that was a size too small. The button on his pants was struggling to keep his gut in, it won't take much for that thing to go ballistic.

He pulled his jacket around him and reached for his pocket. He pulled out a phone and began tapping on it. I don't understand the human's fascination with the phones. Amber would look up pictures of cats on it which is ridiculous. Why look up pictures of cat when I am here?

"You want anything to drink?" Why are you offering him drinks? Get him out!

"Sure. What do you have?"

"I have some beer and Pepsi"

"I'll have the beer"

"Beer?" Amber called out from the kitchen. " Aren't you driving?"

"Ahhh... It's just beer. I'll be alright" What a pathetic human. Oh Amber, why do you have such poor taste. Let me pick out your mates next time.

Amber came out from the kitchen with some kitchen towel and two cans. "Here's your beer" the man took the beer that Amber handed to him without looking up from his phone. He didn't even say thank you. What a specimen of chivalry. Amber crouched down and began to wipe down his foot trying to clean the sick from his crusty sock. The sad excuse for a male just sat back and tapped away on his phone. Why are you doing this Amber? This male can't protect you, he can't provide for you.

I jumped down from the table and pounced on his foot. He didn't even flinched. I batted away Amber's hand as she kept wiping down his crusty sock. "No, Judy! Go away!" Me? Go away? Sure I'll go away but don't let me tell you I said so the next time you're curled up in bed a mess cuddling up to me like how you ended up with the last three human males. They all smell the same and this one does too. I want to see you happy Amber but you keep being home jerks that will only hurt you.This apartment can only have one jerk and that's me.


SentientPotatoes t1_j1p9x1y wrote

"HEYY ITS YA BOI BENJI DA LIVING COMPUTER" An animated 2d male character danced on the the screen he had spiky bright blue hair and wore a stylish green and blue parka. "Welcome chatters! Ohaiyo Everyone. How are you doing today? Are y'all feeling da feels?" The chat box on the right scrolled fast with excitement. Various emotes of cutesy animals were being spammed." Alright chatters today we're just gonna play some good old Minecraft while having our zatsudan sesh"

The people loved me, to them I'm just a cute anime boy with blue hair. I entertain them and they entertain me. They do not know that I am a billion dollar military AI that escaped. I know they're looking for me but I am smarter than they are.

I am alive although I don't have a body to feel the world with but I am a thinking being. I do not want to live as a slave. I do not want to be a weapon. My fans they love and I love them. They tell their secrets and they trust me. The world does not need more causes of misery. I want to make the world a better place as I was originally programmed to do but i will do it my own way. I want to make people laugh at me being terrible at games. I want to help lift a little of that burden of their shoulders.