
Serathano t1_j2bevtf wrote

You can thank the end of servers for that. It used to be a group of people all playing on the samer servers and a lot of the time you'd wind up getting to know the group of people. Now with matchmaking there is none of that. You might try a slower paced game like a BR. Still very competitive but it is more strategic in timing and map movement.


Serathano t1_j2bek9d wrote

Everything with shooters now is twitch reflexes and speeding around catching people by surprise. More so than back in the CSS days and I sucked at CSS. 6 months ago I would have been consistently massacred in a COD multiplayer match because I was so out of practice. It takes me a few weeks to get back to the level of competitive against normal players and much longer for my muscle memory to start working again to the point where I can even begin to defend myself against the sweatlords flying around the maps.