
SerifGrey t1_jdmh25z wrote

Are you saying humans gave birth long ago in our past without a placenta? so how did the baby get the nutrients from the placenta passing through the umbilical cord? I’m confused.


SerifGrey t1_j20wz0b wrote

also most of that behaviour is driven because “pussy” and “gotta impress the pussy” because as selective behavioural traits women like that behaviour in the mates they select, it is also a learned behaviour in both societal and interpersonal relationships aspects.

Essentially, men die for pussy, in most facets of life, subconsciously and consciously. We are slaves to vagina, it’s just expressed in such nuanced and complicated ways, than our non city dwelling ancestors had to deal with.

I say this because women are given more power now than in the past which also creates a way more black and white playing field for your average man.

It’s truly fascinating to learn about via societal behaviour and life experience.


SerifGrey t1_irrda3c wrote

Thank for the context and information, you are a very empathetic person with a big heart, to be able to witness that, when you knew the outcome, yet you still did your duty to that poor young person. Im 30 now but couple years ago I had to watch my grandad die at his home, and yeah his last breath was rather peaceful and he also had morphine, but his was pancreatic cancer. He lived to a good age and I don't feel sad about it so much now, but thats nothing compared to that poor boy who deteriorated at a young age, Im glad he didn't suffer.

I wonder why people don't do that for assisted death, or death penalty, (sorry I read another post earlier) but slipping into a coma and just lots of morphine whilst dehydration sets in

Thank you for replying and I hope you were able to maintain a firm grip on your own mental health during your working hours, and have good coping mechanisms.

It takes a strong individual to do, what you do.


SerifGrey t1_irqkl7o wrote

Kept comatosed until he passed of dehydration.

Is that a peaceful way to go? is it pain free? would he of known? I know he was put into a coma but what’s the general ease of passing here?

Also here’s an interesting bit of info I found, I have cerebral palsy which is brain damage at birth, however you’d think dementia could be an increased risk factor later in life, as my brain and body went through a stressful brain damage event but apparently people with cerebral palsy have no link to dementia, unless they have some form of epilepsy.