
SerjoHlaaluDramBero t1_j9yjqw6 wrote

>The 90s are now the bad old days?

In terms of sex abuse in the Catholic Church, the peak was in the 1980s, but the rate didn't plummet to near-zero until after the 2002 Dallas Charter reforms. Everything before that more-or-less was the "bad old days" of sex abuse in the Church, and this report serves to confirm that.

Now the struggle is in trying to bring such reforms to public schools, youth athletics, scouting programs, etc. so that those institutions can experience the same sudden dramatic drop in abuse rates. But teachers unions spend a fortune lobbying to prevent that.


SerjoHlaaluDramBero t1_j9xqohs wrote

>For those still a member of the catholic church, why?

I have no responsibility for what a bunch of free-love hippy priests did decades before I was born.

As a public school survivor, I am more concerned with the ongoing public school sex abuse scandals, which are 100 times as widespread as the Catholic Church sex abuse scandals of the twentieth century. There are sickening parallels between the decades-old abuse cases in the article and the ongoing abuse still happening in public schools today.
