
SgtPeppy t1_je5lryn wrote

Never got the complaints of how slow Metro trains are. Yeah, they're marginally slower (sometimes, depending on where you're going and the traffic situation). They also give you time to decompress, not stress out about all the idiot drivers on the road, maybe read a book, listen to some music, play something. It doesn't have to be "wasted" time.


SgtPeppy t1_ixfxa8z wrote

Oh hey, I can do this too!

You weren't born driving a car, it's not inherent to your being. (But they do kill way more people that bicycles and take up way more space while polluting the environment!) I swear you people look for any reason to be victims - god forbid you're delayed a few seconds every now and then because a cyclist is doing what they're supposed to (and bonus, generally contributing far less to traffic than a driver!). Idk when you will understand this but the first thing I'm thinking about while biking on roads is [sic] wether some dipshit in a car isn't paying attention or wants to play chicken with me. The fact that you immediately got super butthurt by this middle school "mouth breathers" insult is pretty amusing, because it's just further proof at how thin-skinned you are and you 100% deserve it. Clearly lots of people view us as the victims judging by the overwhelming support and the fact you're buried in downvotes.


SgtPeppy t1_ixdx0lo wrote

Yes, many of them don't. My girlfriend doesn't. A bunch of people I've worked with in DC (all fresh out of college jobs where we weren't earning shit) don't.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and it's so obvious. But do go on.

The sad thing is you're half right. It is partially a class thing. And you've been manipulated to support the side with the rich, privileged people who don't want to be inconvenienced at the cost of human life. And you're too stupid to see it.


SgtPeppy t1_ixdlike wrote

> But the same people so concerned about that seem to not care at all that homicides have nearly tripled to 200 per year

Literally how the fuck do you know? Most people in DC are very concerned about this - why wouldn't cyclists be? You know it's possible to care about more than one thing at a time?

It's also a complex, multifaceted issue - crime is rising everywhere and despite what politicians and most people will tell you, the a lot of the mechanisms behind it are poorly understood (or we just lack the political will to address it, as with gun control)

It's a complete apples and oranges comparison. You're looking for reasons to be outraged at cyclists. It's pathetic.


SgtPeppy t1_ixdl1vf wrote

It's so obvious you have absolutely zero clue what you're talking about. No idea about the economy of cycling. About why people might choose to do so over other options.

You should be promoting cycling along with buses and trains, if you're actually arguing in good faith about improved public transit. Why you've decided to die on this hill, I will never know.