
ShEsHy t1_je7rkyf wrote

> There is simply so much water in the basin that it disturbs the idea of putting bridges or anything over the river.

Not to mention that, IIRC, the seasonal flooding is just insane, flooding an area the size of Germany or something like that. And the width of the river doesn't help, as it averages several kilometres wide even during the dry season, and several dozen kilometres during the wet season.
It's a monster, and now I wanna see some documentaries about it again :).


ShEsHy t1_j6gzzla wrote

And? The same thing happens with literally every country that changed its borders but didn't relocate/wipe out the people in the last couple of centuries. Hell, even in my tiny country of Slovenia, with a population of only 2 million, the North-eastern part is so heavily Hungarian-influenced that their language is incomprehensible to the rest of our country, the coastal part of it is Italian-influenced, and the Northern part Austrian, but those people are still Slovene.


ShEsHy t1_j6e6757 wrote

>What many from the outside fail to grasp is that Americans aren't any one thing.

They are though, they're Americans. It might seem that that they're different to an insider, who notices all the little inconsequential differences, but on the whole, they're the same thing. They share the same language and currency as you've said, but also history, nationality, culture,...

>Alabama MAGA and Portland Antifa

Those are political and rural/urban differences, which occur everywhere outside of city states.


ShEsHy t1_j6dycqk wrote

Americans are freaking weird, man.
They idolise free speech but censor words just because they deem them bad, they consider themselves more puritan than Europeans but are the origin of most porn and have an insane amount of strip clubs, they're fiercely individualistic but at the same time are one of, if not the most nationalistic country on the planet,...

I think I've partly figured out how they work, though. They're obsessed with image. Fake smiles, fake lawns, fake teeth, fake bodies, going into debt to buy fancy phones and cars,..., all that matters is that they fit the idealistic version of how an American is supposed to be.


ShEsHy t1_j6dvdi6 wrote

> The Cuban missile crisis was the USSR's response to the US having nukes in turkey. > >

This is only the second time I've seen someone comment this in my 8 years of Reddit. It's honestly both amazing and terrifying how good the US' PR is, that they've managed to convince the general populace in the West that the closest the world has been to a war between the US and the USSR was completely and solely the Soviet's fault, and not the direct result of the US placing nukes in Italy and Turkey that could reach Moscow.