
Shabingly t1_jdx17tn wrote

It'll blow your mind when you discover how words like umpire, apron & uncle were originally numpire, napon and nuncle; so a numpire, a napron and a nuncle.

I believe the process of how they became how they are today is called rebracketing.


Shabingly t1_iy4vfyp wrote

But it isn't my choice, is it. It's the retailers and advertisers choice. If it was my choice, with Christmas once a year the run up to Christmas would be 2 weeks before the 25th of December.

But no, I currently have to sit through perfume, aftershave, watch, and jewelry adverts from the middle of October. Every trip anywhere near a shop after the 5th November and I'm assaulted by tinsel, Wizzard, Wham and stop the frigging cavalry.



Shabingly t1_iy3elbc wrote

Seems like a good idea at first.

But then think, how long is the run up to Christmas now? Seems like 3 months or so to me.

So if you're making the time between Christmases 3 times as long as now, then probably make the run up period at least three times as long.

Which, quite frankly, sounds bloody awful.