
Shadowwynd t1_j9wjjdb wrote

A nerve cell is following similar gradients of chemicals. Where do we draw the line for intelligence? The OP question was about intelligence not using neurons. Is problem solving intelligence? Is maze solving a chemistry trick given life itself is a chemistry trick?


Shadowwynd t1_j9t68zj wrote

Slime molds can also solve advanced mazes. I would posit this is intelligent behavior - problem solving - without neurons.

There is also the researcher who built a roller coaster for her mimosa plants - the first few times the plants freaked out and closed up, then they realized “no biggie” and were fine with it - at some level they learned and remembered without neurons.


Shadowwynd t1_j6hk1ig wrote

Flies react to fast movement. The Venus Flytrap closes slowly enough (at first) that the fly does not have an “I’m in danger” thought until the fingers are interlaced. By the time it’s aware of danger it is far too late. The red part exudes a slightly sticky bait - it helps lure prey in but also hurts their fast takeoff ability.

If you are very patient and move very slowly, you can also sneak up on a fly.


Shadowwynd t1_j4yyf4z wrote

I grew up across the street from a police officer. One day he came home with a used chihuahua. The chihuahua and its prior owner had been in a car accident. The chihuahua was in full demon mode and successfully defended its owner against the first responders - it would not let them get near. The man died from his injuries (because the first responders could not treat him), and the demon chihuahua immediately adopted a new familiar - my neighbor who had arrived on scene. “Old human slave dead, you are my human slave now” sort of thing. The dog loved my neighbor and followed him everywhere. It loathed this guy’s wife and daughters (and everyone else) and would snarl at them and try to bite them if they came near “his” human.


Shadowwynd t1_j4y432k wrote

{Conciousness log dump from Wargod 334}

I heard it before I saw it. A thin, pitiful howl rent the air, interspersed with snarling. “They had uncaged some beast against me,” I thought. It took the scouter eyepiece a while to even find the new threat. A tiny war dog, smaller than a rabbit, was darting towards me on tiny legs. “Dog”, of course, was being generous - the little bug eyed freak looked like a mutant rat had been shaved.

The scouter eyepiece beeped, displaying the puny thing’s vital stats and breakdown and threat level. Some dogs were “herding class”, others “guardian class” or “battle class”. I had seen one rich noblewoman’s dog be titled “useless class”. This one gave me pause. The screen listed it as “Chihuahua: Demon Class”. The emotional readout oscillated between “fear and tremble” to “seething burning white hot rage”. The AI presented a threat level of “extreme”. Surely it had to be an error. Demon class? The scouter was useless!

The beast left a trail of urine as it darted under my foot nipping at my ankles. It’s tiny furious attacks did no damage. I brought my war boot down to punt the yipping fiend back to its maker, slipped in its pee, and as I fell to the ground accidentally launched the tactical Mark XXI nuke missile into the air as I fell.

My face! The biting demon was now in my face - a whirling ball of madness as it went for my eyes. How could so much sheer hatred be contained in such a tiny body? I knocked it loose and stood up, blood pouring from my lip. I really should have sprung for the full helmet, but as a god of war I have laid waste to whole empires - planets have fallen to me - and nothing has managed to hit my face like this. Live and learn, I guess. The demon dog hung suspended in midair from my gauntleted hand, furiously growling painful death threats as it tried to sever my fingers, it’s body shaking as if possessed as it angrily worked on my hand.

A soft beep from the scouter. An incoming missile was approaching my position. In growing horror, I realized that the missile had fired while locked on the scouter’s target. The target that was still firmly attached to my hand. The missile was homing in on that blasted dog and the dog was attached to me. I was about to die by my own weapon zeroed in on my current position. I could see the point of light of the incoming missile- why is the shield not up? I might survive if I can get the shield up in time…. And then I remember - the shield generator controls are on my hand. Of course the little bug-eyed freak has been chewing through the controls while it was suspended in midair. Of course the controls are ruined. Sigh.

Demon class, indeed.

{Log termination}


Shadowwynd t1_j49dlf9 wrote

You can either buy or DIY ceiling tiles with fiber optic wires poking through. You can get your own starfield (My kids pediatrician has this)