
ShadyAidyX t1_itp3vyl wrote

As you keep pointing out (and as I also mentioned)

The system is to vote for the party. Many people vote for the person, not just the party

In many places where politics is discussed in public, the discussion is often of the leaders, not the parties - “well, BoJo is a geezer, innit? Top bloke!” or “Starmer is a boring git, wouldn’t share a pint with ‘im” or “Corbyn will send us back to the 70’s” or “Blair is such a breath of fresh air” or “Cameron is such a modern leader compared to Tories of old”


ShadyAidyX t1_itp35ll wrote

I think when a swing of £200 million takes you closer to a £billion than it does to a big fat £zero the argument becomes absolutely irrelevant

Rich people laughing at peasants scrambling for beans while they argue whether the rich person has 8 zeros or 9 zeros in their bank account


ShadyAidyX t1_itndglc wrote

Very true. It’s been such a harsh few years in politics that I’d almost completely forgotten that they’d called elections

I’m with you - the Leader of the country makes up such a significant part of the ruling parties psyche that any change of leadership means that fundamentally, the party itself is not the one that was voted into office. A GE should be required by law under these circumstances

All this talk of mandates is bullshit. Calling a GE is the only mandate inherited with a change of leader under these circumstances


ShadyAidyX t1_itn9n8x wrote

Bravo! He’ll also make history as the sixth unelected prime minister without a mandate in my limited memory of voting

Major, Brown, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak

And yes, I know we don’t vote for PM’s, but nevertheless a significant portion of the public vote for the figurehead, not just the party or the constituency