
ShallotLegitimate574 t1_j2dhyd9 wrote

I hate this game. I loved the first though.

Aloy also doesn't shut the fuck up... it's like that Days Gone game, she is constantly talking and she is so smarmy and sanctimonious now when she interacts with the NPCs.

The difficulty is all over the place, typically I play in the hardest settings and I love the soulsborne games but the game difficulty is not very well implemented and can result in you wasting a lot of time, painstakingly picking off components only to be one shot and have to do it all over again.

Worst is probably that the components you knock off will disappear after the battle, Wild animals you hunt too disappear.

The skill trees don’t really feel that impactful or tailored to any specific bonuses and the multitude of weapons and their upgrades are kind of tedious to go grinding to upgrade, only to progress further and find something much better that throws all your time out the window.

The story is painfully boring too.

On the plus side the new area is prettier and the graphics are amazing.