
Shalrak t1_jdkekg8 wrote

Right now, we see an increasing amount of tourists choose neighboring countries, or even their own country, rather than warmer destinations. This means that destinations like Scandinavia houses more guests than they have in the last 15 years, right now. Particularly rented holiday houses and camping is booming, while hotels can't quite keep up.

Meanwhile, typical destination like southern Europe who have build an economy based on massive tourism, will struggle immensely.

As we become more environmentally aware, I don't think plane travel will be as dominant as it has in the past, not even for those who could still afford it.

Many have learned just how much local countries has to offer. When the recession turns around in this decade, I think many tourists will return to southern destinations, but not like it used to be.

We've changed how we are tourists for good.

We also see a massive trend that tourists seek out "real" experiences, rather than "touristy" attractions. Big all-inclusive hotels on the beach will decline. Tourism is developing to coexist with local customs, rather than define them. Cities like Barcelona has been destroyed by tourism, and it's a massive focus in the industry to change that. This will take more than a decade, but that's the direction were going, at least in Northern Europe.

VR is not an alternative to a holiday. I don't see it having any significant inpact on tourism in the coming decate, but if anything, I think showcasing destinations in VR will increase interest in travel.