ShamusTheClown t1_jbh7o2u wrote
Reply to Quietist parts of the cities? by [deleted]
Here is a map of current apartment listings. On the 'options' menu, select 'noise'. And it will show you a heatmap of the loudest parts of the city.
ShamusTheClown t1_jaqwuo6 wrote
Reply to comment by DeskFan203 in Staycation by eggheadslut
Okay? Im just offering my opinion for OP.
ShamusTheClown t1_jaqtg9o wrote
Reply to Staycation by eggheadslut
If you've got a bicycle id honestly recommend just cycling around to the different neighborhoods in the city. There is so many little interesting stores, restaurants, parks, & architecture, to see.
Head on down to long warf and smell the stinky harbour, and food trucks.
ShamusTheClown t1_jaqt1y4 wrote
Reply to comment by DeskFan203 in Staycation by eggheadslut
West rock is a better hike IMO.
ShamusTheClown t1_jaqsl9o wrote
Reply to comment by pittiedaddy in Ron DeSantis calls Yale degree 'scarlett letter' in GOP politics by boujeeFett
I mean, is that really that surprising though?
Republicans have always been about enriching themselves and their elite friends/family at the expense of their voters. They're hypocritical to the bone, and have no shame about it.
ShamusTheClown t1_j9tcc62 wrote
Reply to comment by StrangeCharmVote in Fourth Circuit: Individuals Have a First Amendment Right to Livestream Their Own Traffic Stops by mepper
I see no issue with admitting your own video as evidence. The truth is what's important to the legal system.
ShamusTheClown t1_j9tamc7 wrote
Reply to comment by SoSoUnhelpful in Nearly 1 million power outages reported in cross-country winter storms, with more snow, icing and blizzard conditions ahead by 3lxi
They're the same thing, actually.
As climate change constrains and limits resources ^((uninhbitable land, reduced food production, unpredictable weather harming logistics, etc.)) Coroporations and governments come into more and more competition over them. When you pair a shareholder-capitlaism economic model that demands infinite growth, with a world of shrinking resources, you inevitably create conflict.
In that environment, you cannot afford to invest resources in preparation/prevention, because every $ MUST go to shareholder value. So inevitably, you don't manage your risks and then catastrophe strikes becuase climate change has altered the actual risk scenarios.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8wc69o wrote
Reply to comment by mommy2brenna in Community Colleges, State Universities, and UConn by BobbyBuzz008
He's saying that Uconn keeps out the Poors, and thus is more cultured.
As a Uconn Alum:
Uconn's undergrad education is shit, and not any better than a state school.
The reason you go there is 100% for Networking and Job Opportunities. So his point is somewhat correct: the difference is a Class Barrier.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8wbm3o wrote
Reply to comment by HazelFrederick in Community Colleges, State Universities, and UConn by BobbyBuzz008
"Oh no, our fixed costs keep going up because we keep constructuing more expensive giant buildings. Why wont the state help us with this unforseen burden??"
ShamusTheClown t1_j8rcohb wrote
Reply to comment by orangesfwr in Utah lawmakers say more information on golf course water might lead to ‘uninformed’ conclusions by ghosr
'National Security Interests'
ShamusTheClown t1_j8rceb5 wrote
Reply to comment by tallkidinashortworld in Utah lawmakers say more information on golf course water might lead to ‘uninformed’ conclusions by ghosr
> arguing it gave a pass to other big users of outdoor water — cemeteries, schools, churches, parks, ball fields and ski areas."
I agree, lets also restrict water usage for any for-profit usage of land.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8oz4qi wrote
Reply to comment by buried_lede in Sandy Hook Survivor Survives Second Mass Shooting by midmodmad
>Fine, whatever works.
Great, then drop the 'Assault Weapons ban' rhetoric, because that did not work, and would not be effective today.
Heres a video about an actually viable gun control strategy, based on actual indicators of who the 'Bad Guys' with a gun are.
You may notice that CT implemented points 1 & 2 to some extent in their Sandy Hook reforms.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8ml6ss wrote
Reply to comment by x6tance in Sandy Hook Survivor Survives Second Mass Shooting by midmodmad
I firmly disagree with your claim that state laws don't work.
Here in the northeast, we have stronger gun laws, and we have way fewer firearm deaths per capita, and fewer mass shootings. CT has some of the strictest, and we haven't had a mass tragedy since they were implemented after Sandy Hook.
What gives us the right, to impose our values onto other states 100s to 1000s of miles away?
They're perfectly capable of fixing this problem whenever they want deomcratically... Clearly they don't want to.
You should plan accordingly, and not live there.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8mjyym wrote
Reply to comment by buried_lede in Sandy Hook Survivor Survives Second Mass Shooting by midmodmad
'Assault weapons' do not make up a significant portion of crime. Less than 5% of firearm homicides, in fact i think its closer to 1% last time i checked.
The thing that worked, here in the state of connecticut, was creating a permit process with an educational requirement, and tying all firearm and ammunition sales to a permit/certificate. You know, a vetting process.
I personally find this whole discussion exhausting, because CT already fixed our gun problem 10 years ago. We haven't had another tragedy since then.
Its other states with loose laws having these tragedies, and they will continue until they get their shit together. We already got our shit together.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8b257f wrote
Reply to comment by fn0000rd in The Chapel/Yale peanut is finished by awebr
... Who is gonna stop you?
Ideally greenways should be for all forms of Human-speed transportation. I have no idea what the actualy city policy is, though.
ShamusTheClown t1_j859hsd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Chapel/Yale peanut is finished by awebr
I would agree that they should have used a much stronger material for the bollards. The plastic is just way too easy to break off, and that kind of defeats the purpose of protecting the bike lane.
ShamusTheClown t1_j8549vp wrote
Reply to The Chapel/Yale peanut is finished by awebr
I'm still not super sold on the cycletracks, as opposed to normal bike lanes. They create dangerous counter-traffic wherever they end/begin.
But I'll take all the separated bike inrastructure we can get. This addition will work well connected to the new Edgewood Bike lanes.
ShamusTheClown t1_j853cd7 wrote
Reply to comment by Beast0fBurden in The Chapel/Yale peanut is finished by awebr
You can't fix stupid, unfortunately.
Though this new design will be a significant improvement, and make it easier for everyone to use.
ShamusTheClown t1_iztgg93 wrote
Reply to What to do there? by jdizzlecomp
New Haven is super Bike Friendly btw. The most pedestrian & bike friendly city in the State, hands down.
ShamusTheClown t1_iz2desk wrote
Reply to comment by BryanCalens2ndFamily in Why aren't more traffic tickets written? by cmndo
I hope your family never get's killed by a car, so you remain blissfully ignorant the rest of your days <3
ShamusTheClown t1_iz2c8ba wrote
Reply to comment by cmndo in Why aren't more traffic tickets written? by cmndo
You literally just described "traffic calming" infrastructure design.
which for what it's worth, new haven is doing with it's new intersection and road improvements throughout the city.
ShamusTheClown t1_ivt3l22 wrote
Reply to What do you love about New Haven? by lavalamplass
Bike lanes and lots of public transport access :)
ShamusTheClown t1_jee690j wrote
Reply to Visualizing Race and Ethnicity in Connecticut by pgalag87
Our state has historically been, and continues to be, very segregated :(