
Shara184 t1_jaa2b0m wrote

Don't expect big visual changes in a month. It took me 3 months for people to tell me I was putting on muscle. I see a lot of people are telling you to force yourself to go and to force yourself to get disciplined etc. but discipline only comes after getting used to it. I was in the same boat as you. What worked for me and kept me consistent and disciplined for the past 10 years is doing the opposite.

I'll go for three days, if I feel like to stay home the next day then I will. I'll continue for two more days, if I feel like to stay home after that then I do. Some weeks I'll go everyday, some I won't. It's helped it not feel like a chore for years. I've gotten extremely fit doing this routine for the past 10 years.


Shara184 t1_j1i59d1 wrote

The company has them trying to do damage control after Cavill was fired, lmao. I've seen non comic fans angry. Even my 60-year-old mother had texted me to say she's pissed Cavill was fired and is not Superman anymore, and she barely cares about superhero movies. I think future DC movies will flop and WB will just have to sell the property.